New Resources

Adventist Giving Import Instructions   (.pdf size: 148 KB)
Instructions to import an Adventist Giving CSV file into Donations.
06/26/2024 -- updated

Instructions for Sending Remittance Report Electronically   (.pdf size: 149 KB)
6/16/2020 -- original posting

Move LUCIS Reports from Word to Excel   (.pdf size: 476 KB)
6/16/2020 -- original posting



List of Compatible Forms and Suppliers   (.pdf size: 28 KB)
Names, web addresses, and form numbers for checks and other LUCIS forms.
11/8/2010 -- updated


LUCIS Software for Windows

  • also see General Ledger below

LUCIS Software Introduction   (.pdf size: 144 KB)
A brief history and introduction of LUCIS Software.
6/13/2008 -- updated

LUCIS Software Q&A   (.pdf size: 73 KB)
Answers to commonly asked questions
1/17/2008 -- original posting

LUCIS Software Helps   (.pdf size: 390 KB)
Guide to using the Helps provided for LUCIS Software.
8/5/2008 -- original posting

LUCIS Software Installation Instructions v3.3   (.pdf size: 97.0 KB)
Guide for installing or upgrading to Version 3.3
11/8/2010 -- updated

LUCIS Software - Getting Started   (.pdf size: 187 KB)
Guide for getting started with LUCIS Software
3/16/2009 -- original posting

Version 3.3 Notices   (.pdf size: 190 KB)  
Notices for all releases of Version 3.3
2/23/2012 -- updated


LUCIS Software Orientation for the Church Accountant User   (.pdf size: 454 KB)
A document that helps you understand how to get around in the new LUCIS Software from the perspective of a Church Accountant user.
6/13/2008 -- updated

LUCIS Setup for Churches   (.pdf size: 216 KB)
A setup guide for church treasurers who are starting to use LUCIS for the first time and are not converting from Church Accountant or other software recognized by LUCIS.
11/8/2010 -- updated

Transferring Church Accountant Data to LUCIS for Windows   (.pdf size: 100 KB)
Document that details all the steps to transfer data from the Church Accountant program into LUCIS for Windows
6/13/2008 -- updated

Using LUCIS Software: Churches   (.pdf size: 46 KB)
A guide for using LUCIS Software for church treasurers.
11/11/2008 -- updated


LUCIS Software Orientation for the School Accountant User   (.pdf size: 331 KB)
A document that helps you understand how to get around in the new LUCIS Software from the perspective of a School Accountant user.
6/13/2008 -- updated

LUCIS Setup for Schools   (.pdf size: 183 KB)
A setup guide for school treasurers who are starting to use LUCIS for the first time and are not converting from School Accountant or other software recognized by LUCIS.
11/8/2010 -- updated

Transferring School Accountant Data to LUCIS for Windows   (.pdf size: 77 KB)
Document that details all the steps to transfer data from the School Accountant program into LUCIS for Windows
6/13/2008 -- updated

Using LUCIS Software: Schools   (.pdf size: 35 KB)
A guide for using LUCIS Software for school treasurers.
11/11/2008 -- updated


Windows 'Unknown Publisher' Message   (.pdf size: 72.9 KB)
Describes how to prevent this Windows warning message from coming up every time you start LUCIS Software.
1/17/2008 -- original posting

Windows Font Settings for LUCIS Software   (.pdf size: 66.2 KB)
Describes how to fix the problem when LUCIS for Windows appears to have text clipped off or is not displaying properly.
1/17/2008 -- updated

Issue with LUCIS Help not Working   (.pdf size: 93 KB)
Describes how to fix the problem of LUCIS help giving a 'Cancelled' error and not displaying the helps.
2/6/2008 -- updated (converted to rtf)


List of Equivalent Classic and CA/SA Programs   (.pdf size: 11.8 KB)
Copy of document originally distributed Nov 2004 showing new LUCIS Software for Windows equivalents for LUCIS Classic and Church/School Accountant programs
10/23/2006 -- updated

LUCIS Software Editions Overview   (.pdf size: 53 KB)
Brief summary of the differences between the five editions of LUCIS Software.
6/1/2007 -- original posting

Guide to Converting LUCIS Classic G/L to LUCIS for Windows   (.pdf size: 174 KB)
Document that details all the steps to transfer data from the LUCIS Classic General Ledger into LUCIS for Windows
6/13/2008 -- updated

Guide to Access Levels   (.pdf size: 17.7 KB)
Copy of document originally distributed in hardcopy Nov 2004 showing access levels required for different LUCIS programs and features.
11/25/2008 -- updated

Version 3.1 Notices   (.pdf size: 99 KB )  
Notices for all releases of Version 3.1
12/11/2006 -- original posting (combined several previous documents)

Version 3.2 Notices   (.pdf size: 135 KB)
Notices for all releases of Version 3.2
2/17/2008 -- updated


General Ledger

  • also see LUCIS Software for Windows above

List of Compatible Forms for GL   (.pdf size: 86 KB)
Names, web addresses, and form numbers for checks and other LUCIS forms for the GL.
10/16/2006 -- original posting

General Ledger Highlights   (.pdf size: 508 KB)
Highlight review (20pp) of the LUCIS for Windows General Ledger with color screen illustrations, and selected sample reports with explanatory text distributed during software demonstrations.
2/01/2005 -- original posting

Guide to Converting LUCIS Classic G/L to LUCIS for Windows   (.pdf size: 174 KB)
Document that details all the steps to transfer data from the LUCIS Classic General Ledger into LUCIS for Windows
6/13/2008 -- updated

G/L Account Numbering Guidelines 95 (Pro Edition Only)   (.pdf size: 44.5 KB)
Account numbering guidelines for Pro Edition Only.
2/3/2005 -- original posting

Guide to Plant Fund Accounting (Pro & Adv Editions Only)   (.pdf size: 36 KB)
Plant Fund guide for Professional and Advanced Editions Only.
3/7/2007 -- updated

General Ledger Standard Report Controls Guide   (.pdf size: 67.5 KB)
Guide to reports included in the LUCIS-STD.rpt file (Standard Report Controls file).
6/5/2007 -- updated

Tithe Distribution and Projection   (.pdf size: 12 KB)
Tables and formulas to help in tithe projection.
5/12/2005 -- original posting